On Friday afternoon, I had the great fortune of being among the people who visited the Pixar: 25 Years of Animation exhibit at the Oakland Museum of California. And let me just tell you, it was fantastic! They had everything from rough sketches to beautifully crafted cast urethane models from all of their movies. They even had video installations of their well known "shorts." But perhaps the most amazing part of the show, at least in my opinion, was the Toy Story spinning zoetrope, which creates the illusion of movement with 3D sculptures. This sculpture spins around as a strobe light strikes the figures to give the illusion of movement and to really drive home how animation works. I could have watched this for hours.

Toy Story Zoetrope
The show as a whole was nothing short of spectacular. The artwork was beautiful and the candid nature in which the show was composed was very entertaining. Unfortunately, I don't have more photos to share with you because the use of cameras and/or cell phones was prohibited inside the exhibit and in normal museum fashion, there were plenty of gestapos walking around to ensure it stayed that way. All that aside, if you get a chance to visit this show, you should absolutely go see it for yourself.
The rest of the museum was really great as well. Although we didn't see any other galleries while we were there, the art installations displayed outside were quite fun.
"Canned Spinach" Installation

Floating Sculptures In A Rock Garden

I forgot how much I loved museums. Sadly, it's been a long time since I've been to one. Used to go all the time when I was in school, but I have been out of art school a lot of years now. It was a beautiful, inspiring day. If you get a chance to check out OMCA, go.
Oh I got to see that Zoetrope! I love Toy Story so much, I'd probably start crying from it's beauty and embarrass myself.