Saturday, May 1, 2010


Advertising is one way for companies to show off what they have to offer. Ads should represent a client's product and/or service in a manner that is effective, efficient, and creates a connection with a target audience.

Ad Designs

Gas-X (2009)

This is an ad concept designed for a new Gas-X ad campaign... I developed the concept, then did the layout, design, image manipulation, and copy for this ad.

Ford Bioethanol (2009)

This is a secondary ad concept designed for Ford Motor's new bioethanol powered cars that will run on fuel derived from corn... I did the image manipulation, layout, design, and copy for this ad.

Ford Bioethanol (2009)

This is an ad concept designed for Ford Motor's new bioethanol cars that will run on fuel derived from corn... I did the photography, layout, design, touch up work, and copy for this ad.

Purina Cat Chow (2009)

This ad concept was designed for practice only. I did the photography, design, and copy for this piece.

GBD Clothing (2008)

This ad was designed for GBD Clothing Co. GBD is a small startup clothing company out of the East Bay in No. California. I did the photography, layout, design, and copy for this piece.

No on Prop 8 (2008)

This is a political ad concept for the No on Proposition 8 campaign. I did the layout, design, and copy for this ad.

1 comment:

  1. This No on 8 is my favorite of all of your great pieces of work!
